Holyrood Ward Lib Dem Focus Team

Steve Wright, Cristina Tegolo, Mike Hankey and Tim Pickstone Learn more

Heaton Park Parking Issues

by prestwichfocus on 3 October, 2018

On Monday your local councillors are meeting with Council Officers and the Management of Heaton Park to discuss issues of parking on the residential streets near to Heaton Park (next Monday 9 October 2018).

Issues that we would like to raise are:
– impact of event and other ‘busy day’ parking on nearby streets (e.g. St Margaret’s Road and Close, Milton Road and the Upper Wilton Street area), and what measures can be taken to address these problems.
– Specific parking issues in some areas near to the park – St Margaret’s Road and Polefield Roads areas, Carver Avenue and the area near to Heaton Park Metrolink.

If there are other issues you would like us to raise, or if you have comments on these issues please don’t hesitate to get in touch. (Comment below or to tim@burylibdems.net).


9 Responses

  1. Sharon Dolan says:

    Can you please ensure that you include M24 4QZ area. We have the same parking issues but are always over looked.

    • prestwichfocus says:

      Of course Sharon, my mistake as we do always talk about Baguley Crescent/Middleton Road when we meet with Heaton Park! I won’t forget on Monday. Tim

  2. Nina Monaghan says:

    Polefield rd on busy day is impassable due to traffic converging in both directions. Emergency vehicles cannot pass and there is a risk to pedestrians. The volume of traffic trying to avoid the paying park results in the on street parking.
    As a local resident I want the area and park to benefit from the Park and for visitors to the park to benefit the park. However there needs to be a balance.

  3. Mike says:

    The issue wasn’t as bad before they started charging.

    Manchester City council should review the charges as it’s not only reduced visitors to the park but also made the surrounding streets chaos on busier days.

    Parklife should cover costs for the park if negotiated properly!

  4. Nikki Anderson says:

    Parking on Milton Road remains an issue as does parking at the junction of Milton Road and Heys Road and Milton Road and Holyrood Road, making it dangerous when attempting to exit Milton Road. In addition, Holyrood Riad, Milton Road and Heys Road are bring used as a cut through/rat run to avoid the queues of traffic.

    • prestwichfocus says:

      Thanks Nikki. We raised Milton Road again at the meeting and the traffic engineers agreed to have a look at the Heys and Holyrood junctions in particular.

  5. Sandra Odell says:

    I have been living back home some nine months and I have observed the major problem with Ostritch lane perhaps this s should be one way as parked vehicles cause problems with two way traffic especially when parents drop off their children for the school And I believe it’s used as a return from the two major roads .also I see many a driver not observing the one day system

    • prestwichfocus says:

      Thanks Sandra, I’ve seen it myself to with a lot of people using Ostrich Lane to avoid Bury Old/New Roads.
      What traffic engineers normally say about one-way systems is that they risk traffic going even faster (as there is nothing coming in the other direction).
      But something needs to be done!

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