Holyrood Ward Lib Dem Focus Team

Steve Wright, Cristina Tegolo, Mike Hankey and Tim Pickstone Learn more

Heywood Road Update

by timpickstone on 28 October, 2016

Just a quick update for nearby residents on the situation regarding the ‘sink hole’ on Heywood Road. The hole is being repaired by United Utilities.

As we understand there have been some problems with blocks that have been installed on pipes failing which has meant the excavated area flooded earlier in the week. Investigations are now having to take place about pipework which is blocked with sand which will have be cleared out.

A further collapse on the sewer has been identified just downstream of the existing excavation. The depth of the sewer at this point is approx. 7m, which is 2.5m deeper than the existing excavation. Some BT wires have been rerouted to enable a bigger machine to attend site.

The 2nd excavation will start on Tuesday, subject to further investigations.

The latest estimate is that works will take a least three more weeks. We have asked to be kept informed as things progress and will pass this onto residents.

I know some bins were not collected on Wednesday this week. This was raised urgently with refuse collection who are now dealing with this.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch if there are issues that need to be raised.

   1 Comment

One Response

  1. Ren Barlow says:

    Hello Tim,
    Can you find out for me please specifically where the next excavation is to take place on Tuesday?(ie adjacent to which house numbers )
    The reason I ask is that my driveway has ‘sunk’ over the last year (developing a crack down the middle) and I’m wondering if what’s going on is the cause of this and whether I should make UU aware of same.
    I’m a little concerned as I go away on holiday for two weeks next Friday so won’t be here to keep a watch on this.

    Kind Regards
    Miss Ren Barlow
    tel 0161 798 8636

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