Holyrood Ward Lib Dem Focus Team

Steve Wright, Cristina Tegolo, Mike Hankey and Tim Pickstone Learn more

Pigeons Update – Fairfax Road

by prestwichfocus on 8 October, 2015

Just to give people an update on the issue of the pigeons causing a nuisance on the bridge at Fairfax Road.

The netting, which was repaired at our request about 18 months ago, seems to have become damaged (perhaps by traffic) and as a result the pavement underneath the bridge has become both unpleasant and treacherous.


Metrolink have agreed to appoint contractors to inspect the site with a view to repairing the netting or installing new if required.

We’ll keep residents informed with progress on this.

Best wishes



3 Responses

  1. Lisa Uzudimma says:

    We have had a similar problem In the area where I work. I manage a number if properties, including a block of flats, we had a lot of issues with pigeons and I mean a ridiculous amount. we purchased an artificial hawk from a company who provides deteranrts for pigeons etc… And this has worked wonders . Could this be a cheaper but extremely effective option ?

  2. Billy McCulloch says:


    I have complained at least 5 or 6 times on this subject and even raised with environmental health, who advised that it was a metro link issue who in turn stated that it was network rail.

    Both the platform and bridge are infected by pigeons and as a daily user of the metrolink and a local resident I find the current apathy to the issue very disappointing.

    • prestwichfocus says:

      Hopefully Metrolink will take action now Billy – I’ve asked them to let me know about timescales and will chase if I’ve not heard soon.

      best wishes


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