Holyrood Ward Lib Dem Focus Team

Steve Wright, Cristina Tegolo, Mike Hankey and Tim Pickstone Learn more

10,000 new members have joined the Lib Dems

by prestwichfocus on 13 May, 2015

Since polls closed last Thursday, over 10,000 new members have joined the Liberal Democrats.



Nothing shows just how much Britain needs a strong, liberal party than the government’s recent announcements about introducing the ‘snoopers charter’ and abolishing the Human Rights Act.

Those of us who believe in the values of liberty, community and individual freedom must stand together and defend them. Please join us today and be part of our future.

We’re recruiting people who have never joined a party in the past but want to stand together against the things this Conservative government is already promising to do.

Find out more and join by clicking here.The minimum subscription is just £12 for one year – or £1 if you are a student.

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