Holyrood Ward Lib Dem Focus Team

Steve Wright, Cristina Tegolo, Mike Hankey and Tim Pickstone Learn more

Changes to the 96 Bus Timetable – What do you think?

by prestwichfocus on 15 April, 2015

Early morning users of the 96 bus will have noticed that the bus got significantly earlier this week.

The early morning bus is now at 7.17am, when it used to be at 7.32. Although this is only 15 minutes earlier, it does give residents in Simister and down Heywood Road a very early start if they want to get to Manchester before 9.00am.

The next bus is 8.40 which doesn’t get to Manchester until 9.17am. (The first 495 doesn’t leave Simister till 8am, which would again make a 9am arrive in Manchester difficult to guarantee using the Metrolink from Heaton Park.)

Screenshot 2015-04-15 09.23.33


I have written to Transport for Greater Manchester asking about the rationale for this change, and asking them to think whether the timings are the best that we can get on the service. I would be grateful if residents who use the service could let me know their views.

The new timetable does bring us the  (very welcome) later departure from Manchester at 18.57.



3 Responses

  1. Peter Cope says:

    Having such a huge gap between the first and second busses is ludicrous.
    Why cannot the second bus be timed to arrive at Manchester Shudehill before 9.am, perhaps with an 8.17 am start from Simister, or even earlier

    It appears that TGM want this service to be a failure so that they can cut it even more.

  2. Paul Lockett says:

    I think this is to early! 96 used to get at stop near Hampden Road , just off Heywood Road at 7 40am , but now is at 7 25am.
    It would be great if this time could be changed to the later time

  3. Scarlett Armstrong says:

    I catch the 7:17 am bus in the morning from simister every day recently the bus has been late several times making me late for work and resulting in nearly loosing my job this issue keeps occurring resulting in the bus not showing up or not coming till gone half past 7 this is ridiculous for people trying to get to work can this please be resolved as it is causing many problems for me and other residents whom also catch the morning bus to work

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