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Cold Weather Advice (Age UK)

by prestwichfocus on 20 January, 2015

We do not need to tell you about the very cold weather at the moment. Please do take care of yourself and also think about neighbours, particularly those who live alone or people who might be more vulnerable.

The national charity Age UK has produced a number of advice articles about winter – obviously aimed at older members of the community, but with some useful advice for all of us!

The full range of information pages are here. The below advice is on keeping your home warm:

Keeping your home warm

Low temperatures increase the risk of flu and other respiratory problems and can raise blood pressure. Blood pressure takes longer to return to normal in older people after being out in the cold and this puts us at greater risk of heart attacks and strokes. The colder your home, the higher the risk to your health.

The recommended temperature for your main living room is around 70°F/21°C, and the rest of your house should be heated to at least 64°F /18°C. If you feel cold, turn the heat up regardless of what the thermometer reads.
Get to know how the timer and thermostat on your heating system work. If you have individual thermostats on your radiators, make sure they’re set at the right temperature in the rooms where you spend time.
Close the curtains at dusk and fit thermal linings if you can. This will keep the heat in.
Put guards on open fires, and be careful not to hang washing too close to the fire.
Don’t block up air vents, as fires and heaters need ventilation.
Test your carbon monoxide alarms. If you don’t have any alarms, you need to get one fitted in each room that has a gas appliance, as there’s a risk of carbon monoxide poisoning if air vents become blocked.
Contact your local Age UK for a benefits check and advice on any financial support you may be eligible for. If you’re having difficulty paying your heating bills, Charis Grants can direct you to grants to help with utility debts.
Keeping warm indoors and out

You’re at risk of a heart attack, a stroke or even hypothermia if you’re exposed to a cold environment for a long time, or to extreme cold for only a short time.

Keep your bedroom window closed at night when the weather is cold.
Make sure you keep your hands and face warm. As well as wearing gloves and a hat, always wrap a scarf around your face when you go out in cold weather. This helps to warm the air you breathe.
Several thin layers of clothing will keep you warmer than one thick layer, as the layers trap warm air. Clothes made from wool or fleecy synthetic fibres such as polyester are a better choice than cotton. Start with thermal underwear, warm tights or socks.
If you’re sitting down, a shawl or blanket will provide a lot of warmth. Try to keep your feet up, as the air is cooler at ground level.
Wear warm clothes in bed. When very cold, wear thermal underwear, bed socks and even a hat – a lot of heat is lost through your head.
Use a hot-water bottle or an electric blanket to warm the bed, but never use the two together as this can be dangerous. Check whether your electric blanket can be kept on all night or whether it’s only designed to warm the bed before you get in. Get it checked every three years by an expert. If you have continence difficulties, talk to your doctor before using one.
Don’t sit or stand outside for long periods, as you’ll quickly get cold.
Keep your feet warm. Choose boots with non-slip soles and a warm lining, or wear thermal socks.

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