Holyrood Ward Lib Dem Focus Team

Steve Wright, Cristina Tegolo, Mike Hankey and Tim Pickstone Learn more

Bury spent over £3 Million in compensation for poor road surface

by prestwichfocus on 18 February, 2014

My colleague Cllr Donal O’Hanlon  asked a question at the last full meeting of Bury Council on just how much money the Council has paid out in compensation claims resulting from poor road or pavement surfaces.

Shockingly the answer was just over £3 million in the last three years:

2011/12 £ 969,984 (payments) £ 155,840 (legal costs)
2012/13 £ 830,451 (payments) £ 31,269 (legal costs)
so far in 2013/14 £ 1,040,787 (payments) £ 20,212 (legal costs)

That comes to a shocking £3,048,543 in less than three years!

Our view is that the Council would be better spending money to keep our roads and pavements at a basic acceptable level – and avoid these claims – rather than spending so much Council Tax-payers money on compensation claims.

Let me know what you think on this issue.


3 Responses

  1. Donna says:

    Hampden Rd has recently been velocity patched. What an utter waste of time and money. The road some 6 weeks later is looking just as bad as before it was covered. I’m sure this was only done three years ago. Just how do the concil think doing a poor job then redoing it saves money??

  2. James Gilbert says:

    Is there a procedure in place whereby the council becomes aware of road and pavement problems before they give rise to compensation claims ?

  3. Roy Peebles says:

    Good Morning Tim,

    The report doesn’t surprise me in the least. Again I have to complain about the state and useage of Glebelands Road. A disgraceful and extremely dangerous surface and a speeders paradise.

    regards, Roy Peebles

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