Holyrood Ward Lib Dem Focus Team

Steve Wright, Cristina Tegolo, Mike Hankey and Tim Pickstone Learn more

Holyrood Ward Police Priorities

by prestwichfocus on 23 July, 2013

At the recent Holyrood Ward ‘PACT’ meeting (‘Police and Communities Together’), our local police discussed priorities for the coming months.

The following three issues were identified:

– Traffic calming measures on Blueball Lane. 7am – 10am & 4pm – 7pm Monday – Friday, agricultural vehicles only between these times. Residents of Simister have brought this up as a priority previously.

– Speeding around the Ludlow Avenue, Derby Road and Tamworth Avenue junctions. vehicles are hurtling around whilst children are playing out. And speeding traffic on Heywood Road on the hill down between Bury Old Road and Heys Road.

– Issues of crime and anti-social behaviour by a small minority of people on parts of Polefield.

Please let me know if there are other issues that you wish me to raise with the local Police.


   1 Comment

One Response

  1. David Roebuck says:

    With regard to the ‘traffic calming’ outside the schools on Heywood Road.
    The speed humps on Heywood Road are not causing traffic to slow down, all they do is cause cars to drive over them, if their car is wide enough, or for them to drive down the centre of the road. As for the two chicaines, all they cause is traffic jams outside the school at dropping off and picking up times. They also are causing bad driving and arguments when drivers do not give way to oncoming traffic which has the right of way or cause drivers to speed up in an effort to drive through the chicaine before the other car reaches the chicaine. If there hasn’t been an accident there I am very surprised.
    In actual fact there is no need for the chicaine at the top of the hill near to the motorway bridge.
    The only traffic calming, that works, is the speed hump that goes all the way across the road, where the school crossing patrol is. If this was to be used all the way up by the schools I am sure it would be safer and cause less agression by drivers.
    I would also ask that thought be put into having these speed humps used where the road narrows in Simister village, with no footpath on one side.
    David Roebuck

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