Holyrood Ward Lib Dem Focus Team

Steve Wright, Cristina Tegolo, Mike Hankey and Tim Pickstone Learn more

Bury’s Core Strategy – Have Your Say

by timpickstone on 16 November, 2012

Bury Council is currently consulting on what is called its ‘Core Strategy’. This is an important planning document which sets out the long-term vision for the future development of the borough to 2029.

They have produced a Second Draft Publication Core Strategy for consultation to 30 November 2012.

The main changes in the second draft are:
– the provision of more land for ’employment uses’ at Gin Lane in Walmersley
– the removal of most building restrictions on what is called ‘Other Protected Open Land’

My understand is that the only area of land that this affects in Prestwich, is the land to the north of St Margaret’s Primary school (ie behind the school next to the Motorway). All the other areas are ‘Green Belt’ and would remain protected.

You can read all the plans on the Council’s Website here. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if I can provide any further information.


   1 Comment

One Response

  1. Howard Orgel says:

    This land is only accessible from the Prestwich end of Heywood Road. (The Middleton end is unsuitable for any except occasional traffic owing to its being unsurfaced and presumably unadopted.) Any change of usage from farming would result in a large increase in traffic past two schools, one a primary school. This once again an example of Bury MBC blighting (or trying to blight) the outlying areas of the borough in favour of Bury town centre, for its own financial interests. This change of usage should not be permitted. The land should remain protected and kept for agricultural or horticultural use.

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