Holyrood Ward Lib Dem Focus Team

Steve Wright, Cristina Tegolo, Mike Hankey and Tim Pickstone Learn more

Heys Road – Update on Litter

by timpickstone on 11 September, 2012

A number of residents have been in touch about litter on Heys Road, particularly between the school and the village.

I have spoken to the Council about the provision of litter bins on the street, but apparently the current bins are nowhere near full when emptied, so it isn’t seen as appropriate or a priority to install extra bins.

I have also spoken to the school, who have confirmed that they have signed up to the ‘Bury Street Care Pledge’, and that this is re-enfored with pupils though School Council and the school’s Eco Club. The school does do litter picks along Heys Road through Citizenship classes and senior staff do a ‘Prestwich Patrol’ every school day first thing in the morning – and staff doing this duty frequently pick up litter we see lying around.  

Litter is never an easy issue to solve, but I will continue to keep an eye on the issue and please do not hesitate to get in touch if there are specific issues you would like me to raise with the Council or the school.


   1 Comment

One Response

  1. Peter Moran says:

    I read your article with interest re rubbish on Heys Road,
    The reason the bins aren’t full is because the kids dump all the rubbish on the street.
    If you had a litter patrol and some of the kids got fined for dropping litter it might give them a wakeup call.
    I live in the house right next door to the school and am feed up with the amount that is deposited outside my house just before they go into the school.
    If I do ask the children to pick up their rubbish you would be surprised the amount of verbal abuse I get.

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