Holyrood Ward Lib Dem Focus Team

Steve Wright, Cristina Tegolo, Mike Hankey and Tim Pickstone Learn more

School Dinners have changed?

by timpickstone on 6 November, 2009

Next week (9-13 November) is apparently School Dinners week. Local pupils have been voting alongside children from the rest of the country for their favorite school meal.

According to the Council’s press release the Mayor of Bury, Councillor Sheila Magnall will be joining children at Mersey Drive primary for a meal of cheese and onion pie or pork sausage served with a choice of either chipped or new potatoes, baked beans and farmhouse vegetables followed by chocolate sponge and peppermint sauce. …. Councillor Beverly Sullivan, Executive Member for Health and Wellbeing said “School meals have changed so much for the better over the years…….”

But I remember eating exactly that at primary school in the 70s – though i think we called peppermint sauce “green custard” back then! I do know Bury schools have an excellent service, one thing Cllr Sullivan is probably right about is that £1.80 per day at primary schools and £1.90 at high schools seems great value for money?

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