Holyrood Ward Lib Dem Focus Team

Steve Wright, Cristina Tegolo, Mike Hankey and Tim Pickstone Learn more

Prestwich Roadworks November 2017 and Bury New Road Update

by prestwichfocus on 6 December, 2017

Greater Manchester roadworks are reporting a number of minor roadworks in Prestwich scheduled during December, but the only significant ones are the continuing works on Bury New Road, and gas works on Mount Road between 12 and 18 December 2017.

For full details of the minor works search for Prestwich at gmroadworks.org

The following update on the Bury New Road roadworks has been provided by Bury Council at our request:

“The Prestwich High Street Regeneration Scheme has now seen 9 street trees planted along Bury New Road and a further 9 tree pits constructed. In the coming weeks we hope to add to this number by up to a further 3 pits/trees if underground service pipes allow.
The western footway works (from near 371 Bury New Road towards the junction of Chester/Fairfax Road) are essentially complete and only minor works are required to finish them. Construction of the eastern footway is progressing well with the new paving laid between Clark’s Hill and Poppythorn Lane. Street lights within the extent of the scheme continue to be upgraded and new street furniture (guardrails, bollards, signs and hanging basket columns) will begin to be erected in the coming weeks.

Warwick Street has been closed to traffic at its junction with Bury New Road where a new bus lay-by and shelter has been constructed. A new double bus shelter has also been erected at the Longfield entrance and underground ducting has been installed for a new CCTV camera.

The large hole that was discovered under Bury New Road has now been filled by United Utilities following urgent sewer repair works and this has removed any threat of flooding or road collapse.

In general, the work has progressed well on the scheme with much of the disturbance to pedestrians, adjacent shop keepers and vehicular traffic minimised by limiting the works to short sections at a time. This sectioned approach to the refurbishment has meant that the work has taken longer to complete, but we believe this has been the right approach to take.

Additionally, it has been decided to bring forward the programmed resurfacing of Fairfax Road so that it may be done along with the surfacing of Bury New Road. This final surfacing will now be undertaken in the New Year so as not to cause any unnecessary disruption in the run up to the Christmas period.


5 Responses

  1. Gareth Owen says:

    These improvements create a ‘rat-run’ from Hilton Lane, across to Scholes Lane, up Heywood Road and on to Bury Old Road.

    I travel from Salford to Prestwich every day and it probably adds 10 minutes on to my journey. I hope that when the roadworks are complete that the ‘rat-run’ use is reduced.

    I accept the road improvements are the first step in regenerating Prestwich. The statement from the Council that moving from 2 lanes to 1 on a major arterial route linked to a key motorway hub will not produce a significant increase in traffic is nonsense. People will not stop driving, they find shortcuts and the traffic moves to other roads.

    • prestwichfocus says:

      I agree – just been stuck in it all the way from half way down Hilton Lane and up Heywood Road, and this was at 4pm, never mind ‘rush hour’.

      We can only hope that it eases when the work is done, but personally I am doubtful as the lanes will be the same as they are now with the roadworks when its finished…

  2. Peter Cope says:

    The disruption to Bury New Road traffic often backed up on the Southbound carriageway from the motorway roundabout and on the Northbound from Hilton Lane traffic lights has been ridiculous. Also with Fairfax Road often backed up for its full length has created chaos at times.

    The sooner it is finished, the better.

    What planet is the author of this article living on to state
    “the work has progressed well on the scheme with much of the disturbance to vehicular traffic minimised by limiting the works to short sections at a time.”

    • prestwichfocus says:

      Agree, it has been horrific traffic. We can only hope it does get better when its finished…

      (PS – just so you know the statement on Bury New Road is from the Council, not us!)

  3. Peter Cope says:

    I appreciate the comment was from the Council and not the Lib Dems but it shows how completely out of touch the Council spokesperson was to make that statement. Obviously not been stuck in the traffic chaos like locals have

    Happy Christmas to you and all your readers

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