Holyrood Ward Lib Dem Focus Team

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A56 Cycle Lane to nowhere…

by timpickstone on 29 October, 2020

Bury Council has announced its not going to complete the ‘pop-up’ cycle lane down the A56 on Bury New Road.

The Government has given Bury Council money, to make cycling and walking easier during the Coronavirus pandemic, and the Council announced that a segregated cycle lane would be introduced right through Prestwich on the A56 (St Mary’s Park to the Salford border).

You can read the Bury Times story from July here.

Two toucan crossings have been put in, and white paint has been painted for half the way (St Mary’s Park to Scholes Lane). We’ve been told that this is the end of the work and the Government money hasn’t even all been spent.

What we’re left with now is an un-protected cycle lane that doesn’t go anywhere and cycling on the A56 isn’t made much safer.

Other Councils, including nearby in Greater Manchester, have used this money to make cycling and walking safer for people during the pandemic. Bury needs to do the same urgently.

(Picture @walkridepw)


2 Responses

  1. Moshe Cohen says:

    As a cyclist who uses BNR on a regular commute, this was long overdue. Personally, I’m satisfied with the segregation for the short – medium term, though long term I would expect more investment for cycling in this area.
    Left uncompleted are approaches and junctions in and around lower prestwich (south of Scholes/Hilton lane). Namely sedgley park road and kings road junctions, two toucan crossing can’t be sufficient to manage such a highly trafficked thoroughfare. (cars, vans, lorries, cyclists and pedestrians ALL use this road stretch as it includes: residences, business – retail, service, specialised and professional, public places – parks, religious temples, schools clubs)

  2. Vikki woolley says:

    Sounds about right. Full of empty promises, our council!

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