Holyrood Ward Lib Dem Focus Team

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Police seek to reassure residents following Metrolink station crime

by prestwichfocus on 18 July, 2017

Statement from Inspector Derek Quinn following concerns about crime a Prestwich Metrolink stations:
“We have noted there is a perception that the area has been subjected to a high number of knifepoint robberies and Anti-social behaviour, Local Police responded (that) weekend and there will continue to be a heightened presence in the area (last) weekend.

To put out some basic facts, we have recorded 4 offences of teen on teen robbery in the Prestwich area in the last 4 weeks. One was where a pen-knife was seen, one where a weapon was intimated and two where force was used without weapons. Investigations continue into these offences with arrests likely to follow. I would urge anyone who is the victim of a crime to report it to the Police even if you feel Police may not be able to do something about it. Please be reassured that all of us at the meeting are taking this issue very seriously and will be working together in order to ensure the citizens of Prestwich and Greater Manchester are protected.”

More information in this Manchester Evening News article.

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