Steve Wright, Cristina Tegolo, Mike Hankey and Tim Pickstone Learn more
by timpickstone on 4 November, 2016
A number of residents have been in touch about the overnight motorway diversions that have been affecting Heywood Old Road.
I wanted to report back from discussions with the Highways Agency on this issue.
I am told that Heywood Old Road is an established emergency diversion route for motorway closures and apparently its use for the Manchester Smart Motorways works with the local highway authorities and the emergency services. The motorway closures are needed to install new gantries and refurbish existing overhead gantries, which the smart motorway will need to operate.
Highways England recognise the need to minimise the number of closures required and have, therefore, increased the level of construction resource on the scheme, working on as many gantries as they can within each closure. This will reduce the frequency that the motorway is closed and the diversion route used.
There are further motorway closures planned for this year, weeks commencing 14 November and early December, each for 5 nights. These works have been planned to give residents at least a week’s break from disturbance in between closures.
Later this year, resurfacing works will be completed on the A663 Broadway, they will use Broadway as an additional diversion route, halving the frequency of use on Heywood Old Road. The work on the M60 is currently planned to be completed by the end of 2017.
To address the issue of speeding vehicles on Heywood Old Road, Greater Manchester Police have been monitoring the diversion route and periodically provide a dedicated resource to patrol the diversion route all night.
I am hoping this information is helpful. Ideally the road would not be used as a diversionary route, but given that it is we are trying to make things as manageable as possible for residents.
Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you require further information .
1 Comment
Something has to be done about the speed full stop all day day and now night. Please fell free to come over on a Sunday afternoon fast cars than on the first some days it wouldn’t be long before you witness cars over taking each other all the way down the road. Sorry for moaning but I feel it’s only a matter of time before someone get killed