Holyrood Ward Lib Dem Focus Team

Steve Wright, Cristina Tegolo, Mike Hankey and Tim Pickstone Learn more

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Bury Old Road Bridge Roadworks

by timpickstone on 4 November, 2016

There has been a further update on the work on the Motorway bridge which start next week.

Highways England have made some changes to how they will deliver the scheme, following comments and concerns which had been raised.

The plan is now to maintain traffic flows through the day, with traffic lights after 18.30 each day.

Works are due to start from 7 November 2016 until end of March 2017. The majority of the works will take place between the hours of 08:30 and 23:00, Monday to Friday. Weekend and overnight working will be necessary to suit certain operations.

Temporary two-way traffic lights and lane closures will be in place (from 18:30 only) during the dates stated above. As the junction of Kenilworth Avenue falls within the traffic management arrangement, for safety reasons, this will be closed to vehicles at its junction with Bury Old Road throughout the works.

Pedestrian provision will be maintained at all times.

Balfour Beatty Mott MacDonald (BBMM) will be delivering these works on Highways England’s behalf.

As your local councillors we have had discussions with the Council about the proposed start date of the works on Bury New Road in the village, which we will continue to have, particularly when we see what the actual impact of traffic lights from 18.30 has on the flow of traffic.

We are also raising the issue how people will use the local diversionary route in bad weather (e.g. icy conditions) as we know this has been an issue for residents in previous bad winters.



3 Responses

  1. Len Holt says:

    This is a ridiculous situation to allow roadworks on Bury Old Road at this time.. is the Council so out of touch that they don’t realise that currently we have Heywood Road closed due to a sink hole which has resulted in a large increase in morning congestion thru Bury New Road already, shutting Bury Old Road until 0830am will impact massively on people’s ability to access Manchester via Road, Buses and Metrolink and will result in even more congestion on the M60 J18 as traffic tries to avoid both Bury Old and New roads..

  2. Mick Curtis says:

    Two way traffic lights in place from 1830 until when? I can’t see any reference to what time the restriction will be lifted in the morning.

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