Holyrood Ward Lib Dem Focus Team

Steve Wright, Cristina Tegolo, Mike Hankey and Tim Pickstone Learn more

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Reporting Back: Yellow Lines St Margaret’s Road and Close

by timpickstone on 18 October, 2016

Residents will no doubt be aware of the ongoing proposals to introduce pay and display parking in Heaton Park.

When the proposals were introduced objections were raised by residents, and by your local councillors about the potential impact on the St Margaret’s Road area.

To help reduce the impact, Manchester Council have agreed to pay for additional double yellow line in the St Margaret’s Road area, and also on Sheepfoot Lane.

This has been something we have been chasing up ever since the proposals were made, and this is now being consulted on by Bury Council.

The new yellow lines would run round the ‘outer’ side of St Margaret’s Road – right up to Heywood Road, and also around the junction of St Margaret’s Close.


Screen Shot 2016-10-18 at 10.34.53

Hopefully this is helpful to residents in trying to limit the amount of Heaton Park parking.

We do also have an outstanding issue around parking at the start of St Margaret’s Road (the time-limited bays) and their impact round the corner on the start of Polefield Road. At our request this issue is being considered by the Council’s traffic management group and we will report back separately on progress here.




3 Responses

  1. John Howard says:

    Hi Tim,

    As a resident of Polefield Road, I would like you to be aware of the parking problems caused by overnight parking on Polefield Road from the junction with St Margaret’s Road up to the electricity sub station on the Church House side.Also this stretch attracts daytime parking with people attending the nursery at the Church House and events at the Church. In addition over the summer weekends the people reluctant to pay for park parking park all over the corner and up to halfway on Polefield Road. The overnight parking causes traffic congestion in the morning rush hour at a very busy and dangerous corner. There will be a serious accident here soon.
    I have tried to draw the Council’s attention to this problem in the past without even an acknowledgement maybe with your intervention in the current review there may be an answer forthcoming.

    Best wishes

    John Howard

    • timpickstone says:

      Thanks John and well aware of these issues. Will follow up on the referral to traffic management.

      • Charlotte says:

        Can this please be looked at as a matter or urgency as the situation has been going on for years? As a resident at the very bottom of St Margarets Rd, where is it suggested I park my car? There is a time llimited bay a facing and now there will be double yellow lines further up?? There is literally going to be no where to park? These properties should be given parking permits for the bays opposite. All it means is we will be forced to park at the bottom of Polefield Rd adding further issues to there? If you could respond asap I would appreciate it.

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