Holyrood Ward Lib Dem Focus Team

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Ring and Ride – Significant Changes

by prestwichfocus on 26 January, 2016

Significant changes are on the way for Ring and Ride users in the borough. Transport for Greater Manchester Committee have agreed proposals that mean fewer people will be able to access the service from April 4 as the eligibility criteria are changed.

People who will be able to use the service will be:
– holders of a Greater Manchester Concessionary Plus or Disabled Pass
– people aged over 70, who have mobility issues and hold a Greater Manchester over 60 Concessionary Pass.

Essentially, unless you are disabled, the service will only be available to people over 70.

(C) T4GM

The Ring and Ride fares and fare structure will also be revises with increase of between 20p and £1 per journey.

Anyone who wants to find out more about the changes can contact Ring and Ride on 0161 200 6011.

The full report which details the actual criteria and the details of the new fare structure is here.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any queries or comments.

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