Holyrood Ward Lib Dem Focus Team

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Police and Communities Meeting, Reporting Back

by prestwichfocus on 25 September, 2015

A ‘PACT’ (Police And Communities Together) meeting was held at the Longfield Library on Monday 21st September – colleague Cllr Mary D’Albert reports back:

In attendance were approximately 20 members of the public – the aim of the meeting is to allow the public to ask questions of the police, and to highlight problems the police may not be aware of.

The police also produce crime figures for the Prestwich area, and gave a report on current cases. The figures show that overall the number of crime is down compared to the same time last year

The meeting is used to help the police to target their resources in the most effective way. The police confirmed that a number of youths have been arrested for the violent attack on 2 youths at Bowker Vale Tram station. It was confirmed that the CCTV at the station helped in identifying the youths concerned, which led to their arrest. The Bury police are working with the dedicated Police Unit on the Metrolink to try to insure that all passengers travel safely on the network.

Also an illegal motor bike had been sized and crushed; this had been seen driven on 2 wheels on the main roads in Prestwich
A group of teenagers, riding their bicycles on Bury New Road (in the wrong direction) over the past few weeks appear to have moved to another area.

The members of the public that attended the meeting had two main concerns in Prestwich, St Marys Park – and behind the shops on Heywood Road (near to the bridge).

There were concerns that drug dealing maybe taking place behind the shops, and that groups of youths in the Park had been intimidating to other Park users.

It was felt that the Police should have more of a presence in the Park.

The police said they would increase their visits to the park, and mark it as a priority. Other items mentioned were some ‘ASB’ at Prestwich Tennis and Bowling Club, and youths found in St Andrews Church.

The police want to encourage residents to attend the meetings, if the police and residents work together they can make Prestwich a safer place to live.

The next meeting of the PACT is in October, it will be advertised locally in both the press and the library and on social media, and via our regular meeting.

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