Holyrood Ward Lib Dem Focus Team

Steve Wright, Cristina Tegolo, Mike Hankey and Tim Pickstone Learn more

Supporting our local businesses at Christmas

by prestwichfocus on 26 November, 2013

Information from our local Town Centres team:

Our High Streets are the backbone of our local economy. By visiting the local high street as opposed to out-of-town shopping centres, shoppers can benefit from wider choice and better personal service, while boosting the local economy and securing its longevity.


Many of our local traders in Bury, Ramsbottom, Tottington, Prestwich, Radcliffe and Whitefield offer discounts throughout the year. Local in Prestwich, a group of traders in Prestwich have a dedicated Prestwich Passport, which offers its users a range of discounts for loyal customers. Follow our local business groups on twitter to keep up to date on the latest offers @LiPrestwich @RammyBusinesses @VisitWhitefield and @TownCentresTeam.

Bigger benefits to our planet can also be made by staying local. Environmental organisation, Friends of the Earth, also back shop local campaigns, looking to reduce carbon emissions from longer out-of-town car journeys. So, even if the snow doesn’t fall this Christmas, we can enjoy a green one!

Make sure you do your bit for our local shops and our planet and keep it local.

Don’t forget this Sunday, 1 December 2013, is the ‘Winter Festival’ in Prestwich with the Artisan Market at the Longfield and food festial. 



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