Steve Wright, Cristina Tegolo, Mike Hankey and Tim Pickstone Learn more
by prestwichfocus on 12 March, 2013
This week is National Apprenteship Week, which aims to raise awareenss and celebrate the success of the apprentieship scheme.
The Govrnment has released figures for apprentices for the year that has just ended. More than 2050 people were on an apprenticeship last year in Bury.  Final figures reveal that this is an increase of 64% compared to the last year of Labour’s government.
Apprenticeships seem like a great way for young people to learn the skills and get the experience necessary for a successful career. In Government the Liberal Democrats in the Coalition Government have promoted and invested heavily in apprenticeships because they are one of the most effective ways of helping young people get jobs. Apprenticeships also allow us to build a stronger economy, with a highly-skilled and flexible workforce.
In Bury there is mixed news for youth unemployment. At the end of December 2012, there were 1,330 16-24 year olds looking for work – this was a decrease on the previous year of 9.2% – however, the decrease across Greater Manchester was higher – 14.6% – so I would be very keen that the Council can help tackle this difference.
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