Steve Wright, Cristina Tegolo, Mike Hankey and Tim Pickstone Learn more
by timpickstone on 1 April, 2011
Wednesday night was Bury’s Full Council meeting. This was the last full meeting of the Council before the local elections on 5th May 2011. Here’s what happened:
Apology from the Leader of the Labour Group
The Bury’s Labour Leader Cllr Mike Connolly read out an apology for not declaring an interest at a meeting of the Council last year. The issue was that he had proposed a motion about employment issues at Bury Council, without declaring that his partner works for the Council. A Standards Committee hearing had resolved that he had to read out an apology to the Council meeting.
Transformation Strategy
This was the most significant issue of the evening. The Conservative administration of Bury Council had proposed a strategy to deal with the savings that the Council is going to have to make NEXT year and the year after. This had been consulted on, and agreed by the Council Leader, but he was seeking the support of the whole council.
We had been very concerned about the press coverage that this issue had received, in particular the story that this was about “privatisation” of Council services. We would never support the wholesale privatisation of Council services.
Thankfully the Council had, to some extent, listented to the consultation and had made a very significant change to the first commitment of the strategy, which previously had implied that the council wouldn’t be providing services, to a much more balanced view where a whole range of options would be considered.
The Liberal Democrat Group Abstained in the motion. I spoke on behalf of the Group and made the following important points which explain why were both unable to in favour or against.
What will happen now is that a whole range of services provided by the Council will be reviewed to check that they are being done as efficiently as they can be. HOPEFULLY efficiencies will be found, as its only then that services can be saved for future years. Options for all services will include the council continuing to provide the service, partnerships, community groups and private companies if they are the best option.
Leaders Statement and Question Time
We get about 30 minutes for written questions, and then a further 20 minutes for oral questions. I asked a couple of written questions: – what was happening to the Phoenix Centre (the youth centre in St Mary’s Park) following the Liberal Democrat group amendment that secured its future at the budget Coucnil meeting, and what were the proposals for local community grants for 2011-12 (again an initiative the Lib Dem group had secured at Budget Council. I’ve already published the answers to my questions and the questions from my colleagues in the Lib Dem Group here. There are some interesting answers on toilets, bridleways, bins, crossings and more!
Motions – Save Prestwich Tip
There had been two motions on the order paper – one from the Labour Party on fuel prices – but they withdrew this the day of the meeting! Since they’d submitted it the Government had announced the reduction in fuel duty, so perhaps they thought they looked a bit daft now!
The only remaining morion was from the Liberal Democrat Group to affirm the Council’s commitment to our campaign to Save Prestwich Tip. Thankfully everyone voted in favour so the motion was carried unanimously. You can read more about it on Cllr Richard Baum’s blog here.
Questions to Joint Authorities
Finally two questions from Lib Dem Councillors to Joint Authorities where i’ve already published here.
Any questions please ask. The papers for the meeting are here.
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